Grammar 2

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1 point
Choose the word or phrase that means the same, or about the same, as the word "possessions" in the sentence.

The old woman left her possessions to her children.
1 point
The words below are synonyms.

loud and quiet
1 point
Which word in the sentence below describes how the mural was painted?

They painted the mural hastily, knowing that the kind would be visiting next week.
1 point
Which word is a noun?
1 point
Choose the word that means the opposite of the word "follow" in the sentence.

The puppy would follow me home.
1 point
Which answer choice best completes the following sentence?

The ocean ______________ blue from far away.
1 point
Choose the word or phrase that means the same, or about the same, as the word "shrink" in the sentence.

The little man began to shrink.
1 point
Which word in the sentence below describes how the triplets prepared?

The triplets happily prepared for picture day at school.
1 point
Which word in the sentence describes how the kitten knocked over the vase?

The small kitten accidentally knocked over the vase of flowers and water.
1 point
The words below are antonyms.

cry and laugh
1 point
Choose the word that means the opposite of the word "right" in the sentence.

The customer is always right.